Faculty Name


Department: Humanities and Sciences

Email: syedajilaniblooms@gmail.com

Faculty List

Research Profile


No Record Found


SNoTitleAuthorsDate of PublicationConferenceConference TypeCategory Type
1 Analysis of friction and dry sliding wear characteristics of nano-aluminium metal composite using machine learning through linear regression algorithm Dr.T Syeda Jeelani Basri 18/09/2023 International conference on Smart Electronics and Communication IEEE Journal International


No Record Found


SNoTitleInventorsPublication DatePatent OfficePatent NumberApplication Numberpublication status
1 Enhanced polyphenol content in cocoa components, edible products 1)Dr.Syeda Jeelani Basri 03/04/2022 IN2022221007331 1 IN2022221007331 1

Professional Body Membership

No Record Found


SNoExperiences TypeName of CollegeDate of JoiningDate of Relieve
1 Teaching Experiences 07/18/2008 08/31/2009
2 Teaching Experiences 10/23/2009 05/04/2012
3 Teaching Experiences 06/23/2012 12/05/2013

Education Qualification

SNoClass/ DegreeBranch / SpecializationName Of the University / BoardEducation TypeYear of JoiningYear of PassingRollnoPercentage Or CGPAName Of the College & placeDegree Status
1 M.SC Organic Chemistry SKU Full Time 2006 2008 629428 SKU Completed
2 B.SC Biotechnology,chemistry, Microbiology SKU Full Time 2003 2006 4831235 SHU Completed
3 Inter Bi.P.C Board of Intermediate Education Full Time 2001 2003 6245310 Narayana Jr.College, Anantapur Completed
4 SSC Maths,Science,Social Board of Secondary Education Full Time 0 2001 1457786 Springdale Eng.Medium High School,Anantapur Completed
5 P.hD Organic Chemistry JNTU-A Full Time 2015 2009 0900PH0819 JNTU-A Completed